Results for 'F. Oncina Conves'

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  1. El escepticismo y el nuevo sistema de Fichte (1793-1794).F. Oncina Conves - 1986 - Ideas Y Valores 35 (71-72):45-72.
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    "It Pleases Me That You Should Teach Sacred Theology": Franciscans Doing Theology.Michael W. Blastic O. F. M. Conv - 1998 - Franciscan Studies 55 (1):1-25.
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    Antonio di Padova: Uomo Evangelico, Contributi biografici e dottrinali ed. by Luciano Bertazzo. (review).Jude Winkler O. F. M. Conv - 1998 - Franciscan Studies 55 (1):333-335.
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    AA. VV., Filosofia della medicina. La malattia che si cura da sé, Roma, manifestolibri, 2001. Agazzi, E.–Viesca, C.(a cura di), Le cause della malattia. Un'ana-lisi storica e concettuale, Genova, Erga, 1999. [REVIEW]P. Amodio, Gian Napoli, Rr–Oncina F. Aramayo, M. Baldi, W. Beermann, P. Belpassi, F. Biasutti, N. Boccara, F. Bonichi & D. Breschi - 2002 - Rivista di Filosofia 93 (3).
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  5. ofM conv., Recensione a L'Eglise in.F. Uricchio - 1967 - Miscellanea Francescana 67:213-215.
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  6. Studi e laureati nella Provincia OFM Conv. di Sicilia nella fase più acuta del giurisdizionalismo borbonico (1788-1815).F. Costa - 1988 - Miscellanea Francescana 88 (3-4):504-537.
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    Thomas Reist, O.F.M. CONV., Saint Bonaventure as a Biblical Commentator: A Translation and Analysis of His Commentary on Luke, XVIII, 34-XIX, 42. Lanham, Md., and London: University Press of America, 1985. Pp. xx, 263. $21.50 (cloth); $12.50 (paper). [REVIEW]Francis E. Kelley - 1986 - Speculum 61 (4):1032-1033.
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    Iammarrone, Giovanni, O.F.M.Conv., Attualità e inattualità di S. Agostino, lo Spiritualismo nel suo discorso antropologico. [REVIEW]G. Trapè - 1978 - Augustinianum 18 (3):570-571.
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    Marchioro, R., o. f. m. conv., Elementa Theologiae Moralis. [REVIEW]T. V. Tack - 1966 - Augustinianum 6 (1):131-132.
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    Simeone, L., O. F. M. Conv., Exemptiones a Choro Studiorum Causa apud Franciscales. [REVIEW]R. V. Shuhler - 1964 - Augustinianum 4 (1):205-206.
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    Universals in second scholasticism: a comparative study with focus on the theories of Francisco Suárez S.J. (1548-1617), João Poinsot O.P. (1589-1644), and Bartolomeo Mastri da Meldola O.f.M. Conv. (1602-1673), Bonaventura Belluto O.f.M. Conv. (1600-1676).Daniel Heider - 2014 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    This study aims to present a comparative analysis of philosophical theories of universals espoused by the foremost representatives of the three main schools of early modern scholastic thought. The book introduces the doctrines of Francisco Suárez, S.J. (1548-1617), the Thomist John of St. Thomas, O.P. (1589-1644), and the Scotists Bartolomeo Mastri da Meldola, O.F.M. Conv. (1602-1673) and Bonaventura Belluto, O.F.M. Conv. (1600-1676). The author examines in detail their mutual doctrinal delineation as well as the conceptualist tenet of the Jesuit Pedro (...)
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    The Christological Content of the Sermones of St. Anthony By Juniper M. Cummings, O. F. M. Conv.E. M. Buytaert - 1955 - Franciscan Studies 15 (1):90-91.
  13. Studi e laureati nella Provincia OFM Conv. di Sicilia nella fase più acuta del giurisdizionalismo borbonico (1788-1815). II: I laureati più illustri. [REVIEW]F. Costa - 1989 - Miscellanea Francescana 89 (3-4):503-610.
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    Cardinalis Hosii Doctrina de Corpore Christi Mystico By Gregory M. Grabka, O.F.M. Conv., S.T.D.Basil Heiser - 1964 - Franciscan Studies 6 (1):120-120.
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    The Life and Works of Bartholomew Mastrius, O.F.M. Conv. 1602-1673.Bonaventure Crowley - 1948 - Franciscan Studies 8 (2):iii-152.
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    Universals in Second Scholasticism: A Comparative Study with Focus on the Theories of Francisco Suárez S. J. (1548–1617), João Poinsot O. P. (1589–1644) and Bartolomeo Mastri da Meldola O. F. M. Conv. (1602–1673)/Bonaventura Belluto O. F. M. Conv. (1600–1676) by Daniel Heider. [REVIEW]Caterina Tarlazzi - 2016 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 54 (1):165-166.
    The debate on universals is, generally speaking, a well-known subject in the history of philosophy, but views on universals from the end of the sixteenth to the mid-seventeenth century—the object of Heider’s welcome contribution—are quite neglected. Such views are extremely sophisticated, drawing on the established traditions of Thomism and Scotism, in particular, but bringing them to a new level of technicality. Heider investigates three major positions: those of Francisco Suárez, João Poinsot, and the joint position of Bartolomeo Mastri and Bonaventura (...)
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    Oncina Coves, F. y García-Durán, P. (eds.): "Hans Blumenberg: Historia in/conceptual, antropología y modernidad".María Tocino Rivas - 2016 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 33 (1):332-334.
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    Oncina, F., y Romero, J. M. , La historia sedimentada en los conceptos.David Hereza - 2017 - Quaderns de Filosofia 4 (2).
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    On extendability to $$F_\sigma $$ ideals.Adam Kwela - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (7):881-890.
    Answering in negative a question of M. Hrušák, we construct a Borel ideal not extendable to any \(F_\sigma \) ideal and such that it is not Katětov above the ideal \(\mathrm {conv}\).
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  20. The matching hypothesis-factors influencing dating preferences.F. Y. Wong, D. R. McCreary, C. C. Bowden & S. M. Jenner - 1991 - In Stephen Everson (ed.), Psychology: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 2. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 27-31.
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    Dislocation distributions during stage I deformation of silver single crystals.F. J. Worzala & W. H. Robinson - 1967 - Philosophical Magazine 15 (137):939-957.
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    Horace and Philodemus.F. A. Wright - 1921 - American Journal of Philology 42 (2):168.
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    Meleager: Notes and Translations.F. A. Wright - 1921 - The Classical Review 35 (1-2):16-.
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    Umwelt theory implies heuristics.F. Eugene Yates - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (134).
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    Varieties of perceptual independence.F. Gregory Ashby & James T. Townsend - 1986 - Psychological Review 93 (2):154-179.
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  26. The epistemological status of the chemical concept of element.F. A. Paneth - 1962 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 13 (49):1-14.
    This article is a translation into english of a lecture given by paneth in 1931. The content of the work is described by the section titles: (1) the need for epistemological clarification of the fundamental concepts of chemistry, (2) the concept of substance in chemistry, (3) the epistemological standpoint of the ancient atomists, (4) the epistemological position of the concept of element introduced by lavoisier, (5) the double meaning of the chemical concept of element: 'basic substance' and 'simple substance', And (...)
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    Toward a unified theory of similarity and recognition.F. Gregory Ashby & Nancy A. Perrin - 1988 - Psychological Review 95 (1):124-150.
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    Toward a heideggerean ethos for radical environmentalism.Michael F. Zimmerman - 1983 - Environmental Ethics 5 (2):99-131.
    Recently several philosophers have argued that environmental reform movements cannot halt humankind’s destruction of the biosphere because they still operate within the anthropocentric humanism that forms the root of the ecological crisis. According to “radical” environmentalists, disaster can be averted only if we adopt a nonanthropocentric understanding of reality that teaches us to live harmoniouslyon the Earth. Martin Heidegger agrees that humanism leads human beings beyond their proper limits while forcing other beings beyond their limits as weIl. The doctrine of (...)
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  29. In God We Trust. Or Why This Argument for Causal Finitism Should Not Convince Theists.Enric F. Gel - forthcoming - Faith and Philosophy.
    Causal finitism claims nothing can have an infinite causal history. An influential defense of this position uses infinity paradoxes to argue that, if causal finitism is false, several impossible scenarios would be possible. In this paper, I defend that theists should not be persuaded by this argument. If true, this is an important development, since causal finitism is often argued for by theists as a core premise in Kalam-style cosmological arguments for theism. I extend the same analysis to an argument (...)
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    Avicenna's treatise on logic.F. Zabeeh - 1971 - The Hague,: M. Nijhoff. Edited by Farhang Zabeeh.
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    Leśniewski's work and nonclassical set theories.F. G. Asenjo - 1977 - Studia Logica 36 (4):249-255.
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    The Biomolecular Basis for Plant and Animal Sentience: Senomic and Ephaptic Principles of Cellular Consciousness.F. Baluska & A. S. Reber - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (1-2):31-49.
    The defining principle of evolutionary biology is that all species, extant and extinct, evolved from ancient prokaryotic cells. Their initial appearance and adaptive evolution are proposed to have been accompanied by a cellular sentience, by feelings, subjectivity or, in a word, 'consciousness'. Prokaryotic cells, such as archaea and bacteria, have natural unitary, valence-marked 'mental' representations. They process and evaluate sensory information in a context-dependent manner. They learn, establish memories, and communicate using biophysical fields acting on excitable membranes. Symbiotic eukaryotic cells, (...)
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  33. Fundamental Neuroscience.M. J. Zigmond & F. E. Bloom (eds.) - 1999
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    Foundations and applications: Axiomatization and education.F. William Lawvere - 2003 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 9 (2):213-224.
    Foundations and Applications depend ultimately for their existence on each other. The main links between them are education and the axiomatic method. Those links can be strengthened with the help of a categorical method which was concentrated forty years ago by Cartier, Grothendieck, Isbell, Kan, and Yoneda. I extended that method to extract some essential features of the category of categories in 1965, and I apply it here in section 3 to sketch a similar foundation within the smooth categories which (...)
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    Historiography and postmodernism.F. R. Ankersmit - 2007 - Filozofski Vestnik 28 (1):121-139.
    We no longer have any texts, any past, but just interpretations of them. The evident multi -interpretability of a text causes it gradually to lose its capacity to function as arbiter in the historical debate. It is necessary to define a new link with the past based on a complete and honest recognition of the position in which we now see ourselves placed as historians. In recent years, many people have observed our changed attitude towards the phenomenon of information. For (...)
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    Autobiography and teacher development in China: subjectivity and culture in curriculum reform.Hua Zhang & William F. Pinar (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Autobiography and Teacher Development in China investigates the roles of autobiography in teacher education, as several scholars in China recontextualize Western conceptions of teacher development, combining them with uniquely Chinese cultural conceptions to articulate a reconceptualization of teacher development that holds worldwide significance. Framed by the work of Zhang Hua and William F. Pinar, these theoretical and practical essays point to an internationally inflected reconceptualization of teachers' professional development, pre-service and in-service. This volume addresses multiple movements of teacher education reform (...)
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    Schopenhauer: Prize Essay on the Freedom of the Will.Günter Zöller & Eric F. J. Payne (eds.) - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Written in 1839 and chosen as the winning entry in a competition held by the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences, Schopenhauer's Prize Essay on the Freedom of the Will marked the beginning of its author's public recognition and is widely regarded as one of the most brilliant and elegant treatments of free will and determinism. Schopenhauer distinguishes the freedom of acting from the freedom of willing, affirming the former while denying the latter. He portrays human action as thoroughly determined but (...)
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  38. TRUTH – A Conversation between P F Strawson and Gareth Evans (1973).P. F. Strawson & Gareth Evans - manuscript
    This is a transcript of a conversation between P F Strawson and Gareth Evans in 1973, filmed for The Open University. Under the title 'Truth', Strawson and Evans discuss the question as to whether the distinction between genuinely fact-stating uses of language and other uses can be grounded on a theory of truth, especially a 'thin' notion of truth in the tradition of F P Ramsey.
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  39. Homo naledi: raízes e florações do humano.F. Caruso - 2024 - Cosmos and Contexto 62 (1).
    Aqui se conta uma história de alguns segredos, tão antigos quanto algo entre 240 e 350 mil anos, revelados por uma misteriosa caverna. É uma história que ganha vida como um palimpsesto, sobrepondo-se à outra, narrada no documentário Caverna de Ossos, da série Explorando o Desconhecido. Impossível não ficar impactado por esse relato, pois levanta várias questões intrigantes sobre a evolução humana e sobre a própria definição de humano. Essa narrativa, mais do que pela razão formal e analítica, é conduzida (...)
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    Practicing safe sects: religious reproduction in scientific and philosophical perspective.F. LeRon Shults - 2018 - Boston: Brill.
    In Practicing Safe Sects F. LeRon Shults provides scientific and philosophical resources for having “the talk” about religious reproduction: where do gods come from – and what are the costs of bearing them in our culturally pluralistic, ecologically fragile environment?
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  41. Nächtliche Realität ärztlichen Handelns―oftmals auch ein ethisches Problem. Kommentare.F. Anschütz - 1993 - Ethik in der Medizin 5 (3):151-157.
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  42. A favor de una teología de la Historia en Dei Verbum 7 y 19.F. Guillen Armendariz - 2000 - Verdad y Vida 58 (227):35-58.
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  43. In-Between. An Essay on Categories, coll. « Current Continental Research, n° 211 ».F. G. Asenjo - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (2):440-441.
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    Polarity and atonalism.F. G. Asenjo - 1966 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 25 (1):47-52.
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    Pablo y la retrospectiva de Agustín sobre sí mismo: relevancia de la" epistula XXII".F. B. A. Asiedu - 2002 - Augustinus 47 (184-185):41-66.
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  46. Des cription et explication. IIeme Partie: Description intuitive et abstraite, exacte et statistique.F. Auerbach - 1928 - Scientia 22 (43):du Supplém. 23.
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  47. Temporal nulling of induction from spatial patterns modulated in time.F. Autrusseau & S. K. Shevell - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva (ed.), Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 60-60.
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    XI.—Some Theories of Knowledge.F. Aveling - 1915 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 15 (1):304-331.
  49. Interaction Attacks as Deceitful Connected and Automated Vehicle Behaviour.F. Fossa, Luca Paparusso & Francesco Braghin - 2024 - In S. Parkinson, A. Nikitas & M. Vallati (eds.), Deception in Autonomous Transport Systems. Threats, Impacts, and Mitigation Policies. Cham: Springer. pp. 147-162.
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    Remarque sur l'idée de complémentarité.F. Gonseth - 1948 - Dialectica 2 (3‐4):413-420.
    RésuméL'intention est de présenter ľidée de complémentarité de façon à la fois générale et élémentaire, convenant à la fois en physique et dans ?autres domaines. Le progrés se fait par dévoilement ?horizons de réalité successifs, dont trois sont envisageés ici: ľhorizon naturel , ľhorizon classique, ľhorizon quantique.L'idée de complémentarité se présente assez élémentairement dans le raccordement de deux horizons, dont ľun joue le rô1e ?horizon apparent et ľautre ?horizon profond.Le cadre obligé de considérations de ce genre est une méthodologie dialectique (...)
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